Saturday, December 1, 2012

CDP Monthly Theme Day: My Street

Full Moon, Webster Groves, 2012-11-28

My street is, to be frank, a little dull.  It's nice enough, well lined with trees and neat suburban homes, but has nothing to distinguish it. So, rather than posting a photo of the pavement and buildings, I thought I'd use an image of what hung directly over the end of the street on Wednesday evening.

It was the night of the full moon, of course. When I came home from work this was hanging low in the sky over the November-bare trees. It was worth setting up my tripod in the chilly air, trying every possible exposure combination. Per aspera ad astra.

By the way, that's Jupiter in the upper left.

View all the other City Daily Photo members' takes on their own streets here


  1. Hey, this was hanging over my street last Wednesday, how can that be?
    I took a shot of it too but I think yours is much better.

  2. From your vantage Jupiter was at about 11pm - from mine it was at about 9pm.

  3. we can all look at the moon - - my street is here.

  4. And completely worth the effort, what a beautiful capture! (My pocket camera managed a tiny dot that night.)

  5. hey, this looks like my street...we must be neighbors ;)

  6. Gorgeous shot, Bob. I had seen that point of light close to the Moon the other night, figured it for a planet.

  7. No matter what I try, I can't seem to shoot the moon. This one makes it look like a giant paper lantern in the sky.

  8. Good idea for this months theme. A very clear shat taboot.

  9. Hey, you're The Man on the Moon. Nice moon photo.

    (But, you're a chicken.)

  10. Nice interpretation of the theme. I tried the same shot but my focus wasn't quite right. I like this interpretation of the theme!

  11. WEll that blew the rest of us right out of the water. Great shot B.

  12. Definitely worth while getting the tripod out for this one Bob, nice work.

  13. Very original entry with such a great shot, Bob!

  14. awesome pic ! the theme is cleverly treated :)

  15. Oh, I love this, Bob!

    I've always wanted to take photos with a telescope: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune....
