Saturday, November 17, 2012

La Mode

LA 2012-11-11 31 (Beverly Hills)

A walk down Rodeo Drive is a sociology field trip. These stores attempt to dictate the right way to look to women with more money than sense, then let it trickle down to the rest of the population. It goes without saying that the mannequins look skinny to the point of ill health, but I noticed a twist last weekend. A lot of them were bald, or almost so. How do you parse that? Madam, if you are not sufficiently skeletal, perhaps a few rounds of chemotherapy would do the trick. Sheesh.

TOMORROW: let's take a ride up to Mulholland Drive at sunset before we leave LA.

LA 2012-11-11 25 (Beverly Hills)


  1. Too true. It would be interested to know who buys all this stuff. Locals or more likely tourists. In Monaco, the main money these days is Russian but they are gearing up for the Chinese and building a special new shopping centre.

  2. The conspicuous consumption is amazing. I agree with your post a few days ago that LA is a magnificent place to visit, but I would not want to live there. We visit every summer.

    I apologize for not commenting on your site lately, but Julie and were away in Papua New Guinea and Australia timed to see the total solar eclipse, and we had very limited internet access.

  3. Great text with your photo's. I like it.

  4. I'm so upset at the turn of things: young girls of 15 whose main goal in life is to look like stars, wearing designer clothes. There's so much mmore to life...

  5. Ah, the fashion industry. Thinks it's the most important thing ever created on the planet, and has no idea just how useless it really is.

  6. Madam, if you are not sufficiently skeletal, perhaps a few rounds of chemotherapy would do the trick - I had to laugh (sort of) at that one! I'm sorry not to leave a comment on each of your posts - too busy these days to do so - but you can rest assured that I read them all, albeit in chunks of several at a time, and that I never fail to enjoy them, not only for the photos, always pertinent and quality-driven, but also for your commentaries. I can definitely to your tone and sense of humor.
