Thursday, November 1, 2012

CDP Theme Day / Thursday Arch Series

River's Edge And Arch

It's monthly theme day at City Daily Photo and November's topic is the water's edge. I dislike taking theme day literally and may post something off kilter (this, for example). It crossed my mind to take a picture for today of a rubber ducky floating on the edge of my filled-up kitchen sink (which happens to be black) with some prop beside it. Maybe a broken Perrier bottle. But I would have had to shop for a rubber ducky and I'm bombed at work this week so there's no way that was getting done.

So, a compromise. The obvious water's edge around here is the bank of the Mississippi River, the fluid that created our city. The river level is really, really low in this shot, taken last Sunday. The POV is where the great cobblestone levee starts to disintegrate into the stream.


  1. This is a super take on the theme AND your Thursday Arch series, Bob. Beautiful light and composition! My fave musician has an instrumental he recorded a few years ago called Sunrise on the Mississippi, so your photo now has that playing in my head. :-)
    PS, sorry you are swamped at work. . .all that conference travel time is bound to make things seem cramped when you get back.

  2. Wow Bob, what a brilliant composition, absolutely stunning shot for the theme.

  3. Outstanding shot, Bob. I haven't seen the Arch from this angle before in your photos....

  4. Bob, this is the quintessential Lou "water's edge" shot. Very nice. Much better than a rubber ducky shot. Put your wallet away.

  5. You never disappoint B, and especially on Theme Day!

  6. Haha! I'm glad you traded your rubber ducky idea for this one. I got the chance to add up to the "iconic image from a different angle" score!

  7. Excellent arch photo from a very special place. Great composition!

  8. nice one! i've been up in that arch!
