Thursday, September 13, 2012

Jueves Serie del Arco

Hispanic Festival 2012-09-08 18

No Arch pictures for a while but I thought these would do. More snaps from the Hispanic Festival, illustrating how my favorite monument dominates the city center.

The cotton candy vendor was fun to watch. How did he work that long stack? The bags were all attached to a central pole. He pulled the treats from the bottom and then held the pole lower and lower. It would still be tough when he got to the top.

Hispanic Festival 2012-09-08 17


  1. j'aimerais bien acheter une barbe a papa au marchand ;).
    Belle photo des jeux d'enfants dans la fontaine, c'est toujours un moment de plaisir a voir et a prendre en photo

  2. i particularly admire this bottom arch image.

  3. My first glimpse of the photo caused me to think that they were balloons, not cotton candy.

  4. Saw so many of these cotton candy vendors in India. And all their cotton candy was a shocking pink that went beyond shocking.

  5. I haven't had cotton candy in years. What a stack!

    I like the way you use the Arch and the courthouse (it is the courthouse, right?) in terms of as part of the city here. Particularly with the stairs in the lower pic. It reminds me of one of my favourite vantage points to photograph our Parliament buildings; with the York Steps in the foreground.

  6. Great composition on top! I think I've never seen so much sweet cotton in my life. :-)

  7. Love this last image Bob, with the steps leading your eye up towards the arch and the cupola and of course that beautiful blue sky,lovely composition.
