Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Alabama, The Only State In The Country Where You Can Drown Standing Up

Birmingham 2012-09-03 1

The caption was a snip of conversation I heard yesterday morning at the Birmingham edition of The Color Run. It had the ring of truth.

Readers may recall that I shot the first stop on the tour in St. Louis a couple of weeks ago. Well, it was pouring down rain at Barber Motorsports Park outside of B'ham where the run was held. Virginia, Mrs. C and I drove out to see and shoot the spectacle. No rain delays, just go for it.

This was way different than the one back home. No dry, dusty color hanging in the air, just streams of colored mud. What fools these mortals be.

Birmingham 2012-09-03 9

Birmingham 2012-09-03 6

Birmingham 2012-09-03 4

Birmingham 2012-09-03 12

Birmingham 2012-09-03 11

Birmingham 2012-09-03 10

Birmingham 2012-09-03 8

Birmingham 2012-09-03 2

Birmingham 2012-09-03 7


  1. quel enthousiasme , quelle joie dans cette course, malgres le temps. J'adore tes portraits , c'est une superbe serie

  2. Methinks the French would be frowning...

  3. Thanks for the photos. My oldest daughter was in this and I seriously considered driving 2 1/2 hours to see, but when I saw the weather forecast thought better of it. What fun!

  4. Such incredible enthusiasm on a miserable day. Well shown here Bob and with a bit of luck if it rains hard enough, they'll all be nice and clean by the time they cross the finish line haha!

  5. It looks like a deluge! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Everyone should run in the rain on occasion. Love the shot of the girl in mid air.

  7. They sure look pretty all these runners!

  8. Bob was kind enough to omit the part that Mrs. C. and I took one look from afar in the driving rain and headed back to the car. I got some real long shot photos and Bob carried on. His photos are terrific and although I'm a bit envious, I know I couldn't have climbed the steep hill or endured the rain. "To the winner goes the spoils"
