Thursday, August 23, 2012

By Request (And Sort Of A Thrsday Arch Picture)

Color Run 17 BW

Olivier and Jilly preferred the last of the three pictures in yesterday's post, which surprised me. I didn't think it was that great but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That picture and today's were shot moments apart. I like this one better, sort of the march of the living dead. Sure, it's the Color Run, but this is more effective in B&W. The early morning sun throws the runners and the Arch into sharp relief.

Sorry for the lack of comments yesterday. We took our daughter and her husband out to dinner for her birthday. Got home late.

FACTOID: an anagram for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan is "My Ultimate Ayn Rand Porn." Bingo.


  1. très bon choix du b&w, cela donne un cote apocalyptique a cette photo,j'adore

  2. I'm glad I had a look at yesterday's post before this one, I'd never have guessed what it was. Actually, my first thought was back to 9/11 seeing this. It's a fantastic shot!

    And the anagram is a hoot.

  3. if I had not been following your fantastic series of this colorful event, I might have thought that the black and white image was tear gassing demonstrators.

  4. Good shot, and I love that anagram.

    Not sure I'd want to see Ayn Rand doing porn....

  5. I totally agree with you on this one Bob, it looks amazing, the walking dead indeed! The B&W gives the image a whole new possibility of what is actually happening here.

  6. March of the living dead, yes. That photo is markedly more striking and powerful than the similar one you posted the day before. Excellent.

  7. I like the b&w best too - but then, it was born to be in b&w. I like the top photo as well, that purple haze is gorgeous.

  8. And Mittney and Ryan are the declared enemy of women so let's give lots of dough and give them both a good spanking.
