Saturday, July 14, 2012


2012-06-09 Pagan Picnic 1

Getting into some of the strange things for sale at the Pagan Picnic. Don't just dress Goth, wear this chain-mail head and shoulder covering to your favorite club. The second one is, um, a bit out there but if it is in public view in the City of St. Louis, the times must have changed to accommodate it. Not surprisingly, these were for sale by the same merchant.

2012-06-09 Pagan Picnic 2 

Bonne Fête Nationale à tous nos amis en France! Il ya un petit festival à Saint-Louis, mais il n'est pas jusqu'à demain. (Pourquoi?) Je serai là.


  1. The second one wouldn't fit me I think. But you never know!

  2. I'd prefer the first one to enjoy a medieval tournament!

    Merci !

  3. The first one reminds me of this artist in my area who makes various things based on chainmail.

    The second would be quite at home in a shop window downtown from here called Wicked Wandas....

  4. Ever pick some of this stuff up? It's frickin heavy! How did they wear it and not get 'dragged down'. Sheeesh!

  5. Two more very good reasons not to become a pagan.

  6. That is one confused mannequin, male/female!! Such a fun place to take photos Bob.

  7. la deuxieme ne doit pas etre evident a porter.

  8. Hot, Ouch and Vive la France!
