Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fourth of July Impressions

2012-07-04 Ridgewood Fireworks 3

Oh. what a day. This is an assortment ot Fourth of July images from Ridgewood, New Jersey: fireworks; old family friend Lee with my my brother, John, the family's French connection, the traditional skirt steak sandwiches fresh off the grill; the traditional cake and photos from the parade.

Into NYC tomorrow. Hot and humid. It's worth it.

2012-07-04 Ridgewood Fireworks 2

2012-07-04 Ridgewood Fireworks 4

Lee and John

2012-07-04 Ridgewood Fireworks 1

Fourth of July Cake

2012-07-04 Ridgewood Fourth Of July 5

2012-07-04 Ridgewood Fourth Of July 4

2012-07-04 Ridgewood Fourth Of July 3


  1. on s'y croirait, belle série, mais j'avoue que je craque pour le gâteau a la bannière étoilée. beau feux d'artifice, vivement le 14 pour que je fasse des photos de celui d'Evry ;)

  2. Another superb series, Bob. I can't pick a favorite, although that runnin' man in the top hat with the Mickey Mouse hands has grabbed a hold of me!

  3. Quite a grab bag of images, Bob. Which one do YOU like best and why?

  4. I love them all but I like those sliders!!! :)

  5. Looks like a fabulous time was had by all Bob. Wonderful series of images from you 4th of July celebrations.
