Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday Arch Series (Two-Fer)

2012 Komen Race 8

A pretty standard (non to mention back-lit) picture of the Arch, but someone dumped red dye into the Kiener Plaza fountain. It made the spray run pink for the breast cancer fundraiser. Sorry about the scaffolding around the Old Courthouse, but when you're that old you may need a facelift.

Below, the view 14 blocks straight west of the top pic from the far side of Milles Fountain. Good place to cool off for all the runners and walkers.

There won't be much outdoor shooting from now through the weekend unless I want to photograph people dying in the streets. It was 99 F / 37 C yesterday. The forecast for today is 108 F / 42 C. Saturday it cools off to 105 F / 40.5 C. My plan is to stay indoors and start posting pix from last Sunday's Pridefest Parade. It was a jaw-dropper, as usual.

2012 Komen Race 15


  1. bonne idee de donner cette couleur a la fontaine, belle photo avec l'arche

  2. I hope it isn't botox. I particularly like these downtown photos of the arch. I probably haven't been following STLDP for long enough, I can't remember having seen any like these.

    Stay cool.

  3. Oh I do love a Thursday Arch Bob, and two is a bonus!! Good plan to stay indoors, I know exactly what that heat feels like, it'll be a while though before we soar that high again here!! I'm not surprised that there are a few feet being dipped in the fountain here.

  4. I noticed a local fountain dyed pink yesterday. Now I know why.

  5. Love that second shot, it has one of my favorite buildings in it. 108 in St. Louis?? It's bad enough here but at least we have no humidity! That sounds like torture.

  6. The second shot is pretty nice. I had heard about the high temps in St. Louis. Be wise, my friend, and be cool.

  7. Our parliament buildings here in Ottawa have scaffolding around sections here and there on an ongoing basis. Restoration work is underway, cleaning up, sandblasting, and that'll take some years, so I'm reminded of that seeing the scaffolding here.
