Monday, June 25, 2012

Joan's Team

2012 Komen Race 3

The woman above who appears to be directing traffic is Cindy. She has been my paralegal for a few weeks shy of 30 years. Yes, I recruit staff from the kindergartens. I put her photo on top because it's eye-catching and illustrates the ease with which she tells me what to do.

Yesterday, I mentioned that one of my co-workers had been through the turmoil of breast cancer and came out well. For the last few years our staff has formed a team to support her and aid the fundraising effort. That's Joan beaming in the top row center of the next picture. To the left in the picture is her sister, Julie, who has been my law partner for 27 years, Jackie, my administrative assistant, Joan's son Jack and her husband Mario (Judge Silva to you these days). To Joan's right are Sarah, Julie's administrative assistant, Don, the other lawyer in the firm and Cindy's husband for about 20 years, and Lynne, a friend. In front, we have Cindy on the left and her and Don's daughter Alayna on the right, with Alayna's friend Emmy in the middle. 

Cindy and Don wish you peace and happiness in the following picture. Don is from Green Bay. He always wears that hat.

We stick up for one another. The core of us have been together for decades and treat one another like family - family we actually like.

However, if you don't care for the Crowe & Shanahan team, you can support Team Hooters, seen in the bottom picture.

And speaking of which, if you don't understand the tee shirts, you were never a lustful American teenager. Let me know and I'll explain.

2012 Komen Race 5

2012 Komen Race 4

2012 Komen Race 1


  1. I wish we had events like these. They are so important.

  2. Stories and photos revealing the energy of the day are very compelling

  3. j'aime beaucoup la troisieme photo avec toute cette foule derriere, c'est impressionnant et tout ca pour une bonne cause

  4. Hailing from Green Bay myself, I admire Don's headgear! Go Pack!

    Great team you assembled!

  5. I agree. Quite a team! The faces give it away. hahaha
    btw I enjoyed sliding into Third!
    Balls and all. hahahaha Again!

  6. How fantastic to work with such a fab group of friends Bob, must make going to work so much more easy to do each morning. Such an amazing sight behind Cindy and Don in the third shot and reminds me that I'd better get in some training for the City to Surf run/walk coming up very soon here in Perth.
    I was watching a Billy Connelly doco last night where he's traveling through USA on a motorbike, last night he went through St. Louis, i got a little excite when I saw your famous Arch!!

  7. Bob, what a great team you have there ! Great photos !

    However I had to do a google search on the meaning of save second base. I never was a lusty American teenager! :-)

  8. Bob,
    I enjoyed your comment on my site today about the St. Louis heat and the 1966 All Star Game. I was at that game!

    I hope it was not hot for the runners in the Race for the Cure.

  9. Seeing all the folks from your firm together at this event suggests that you have good morale and employee relations. That makes a lot of difference.

    If you get overwhelmed by those who don't understand the shirts, send them my way. I understand.

  10. Jack, Bob - I'd love to know what first and third base are - hitting the home run I think I understand.
