Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sgt. Pepper Comes To Ste. Gen

Wall Painting, Ste. Genevieve 3

At least that's the reaction that I get, although this version is much more genteel. It is painted on the side of an empty building across the street from the church we saw yesterday. Sure, a Native American, a French army officer (but in a red coat?) and a local rustic with a fiddle, but it makes me feel like the singer's gonna sing a song and he wants you all to sing along. So let me introduce to you the one and only Billy Shears...

So who is that on the bottom, anyway? It's just to the right of the big mural, a bit above the sidewalk. I can't tell if his intentions are friendly or not.

Wall Paintinf, Ste. Genevieve 2

Wall Painting, Ste. Genevieve 1


  1. 3 tres belles creations, j'aime bien la deuxieme photo car on se rend compte de la taille. superbe

  2. It is a bit odd Bob, but he looks friendly...I think!! They look a little more 'Village People' than 'Sgt Pepper' haha!

  3. I am glad that you showed the photo that shows the large scale of these murals.

  4. Kind of a strange setup, if you ask me.
    btw Sheeeesh! Got a wedding the afternoon of the 28th. Maybe a coffee on the 29th before you head Downeast?

  5. I almost thought I was in Avignon for a moment - especially the last shot - although not those red bricks in Avignon, of course. I love street art like this.

  6. Ha, I got the Village People as well.
