Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Another Form Of Organized Violence

Women's Rugby 2

Just after leaving the gentle combat we've seen the last two days, I rounded a turn in Forest Park and found this. Since I was feeling lazy, I parked at the edge of the field, put the big telephoto on my camera and just shot through the open window. Easy.

I did not know there was organized women's rugby. I've known a few men who play the sport. They usually put stickers on the backs of their cars that say things like "Give Blood - Play Rugby." Oh, and drink large quantities of beer, too.

Can't say what these women do after the match but they were fierce out on the pitch. The top photo looks like the blue team's sprinter is making a dash for the goal but is about to get flattened by a much bigger opponent.

It's been said that men should get more in touch with their feminine side. Evidently, the opposite is also true.

Might post some more of this on Friday but I've got some new Arch stuff for tomorrow.

Women's Rugby 3


  1. Je trouve ton titre est exagéré ;).
    Le rugby féminin est très bien, il y a beaucoup d'engagement et plus de technique que chez les hommes.
    Belle course sur la premiere photo

  2. Love your subject heading, Bob! We had a women's football match recently in Menton but I couldn't bring myself to go and photograph it! You'd have done brilliantly.

  3. Olivier knows his stuff. He says feminine rugby is great. There's lots of commitment and often more technique than in male rugby. There.

  4. New arch stuff coming up? You've got me salivating :)

  5. Very good action pictures and even better comment!

  6. These made me smile Bob, I can tell you if someone was bearing down on me like that, I'd pass the ball to her and run for the hills haha! Love the expression on the young lady's face in the bottom shot to the left, determination to the max!!

  7. I too, love the title. Their expressions remind me of the one (and only) season I played women's indoor football. It can (and was) intense - more so than men's.
    Can't wait for more StL Arch photos.
