Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Let's Get Artsy

Orchid Show At MoBot 8

More orchids. As much of the work in making these images is done in post-processing as in shooting. Love the magic of Photoshop, even though my skills are limited. The top one is my favorite of those I've edited so far. The flowers in the bottom pic makes me think of paragliders coming in for a very fuchsia landing.

There are more orchids still to come.

Orchid Show At MoBot 9 (Paragliders)


  1. deux tres belles macros, avec une preference avec la premiere qui ressort bien, et j'aime le choix du focus

  2. Great macros. We don't have orchids in Arizona, but our cacti are starting to bloom.

  3. I do like the first image Bob, but I looooooove the colour of the orchids in the second image, gorgeous!
    btw your start to the day sounds frenetic!! No wonder you're so slim.

  4. that top one is pretty remarkable.

  5. My friend is a champ at growing those purple, no. But I did take some good photos of them. I especially like your second photo.

    I'm not good at Photoshop either, and in some ways I don't want to be....too tempting to really mess around.

  6. Lovely images. I rarely do much work beyond cropping and color balancing. If it wasn't in the camera, it ain't there for me!

  7. I"m thinking these beauties didn't need PS. I"m so challenged there I"m very happy in APerture!

  8. Love this other set of orchids shots too. Beautifully photographed, Bob.

  9. Impressive compositions, the softness and form of the top one is remarkable!
