Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sans Égale


A little digital razzmatazz on a picture of a derelict warehouse. It's not far north of the Arch, where the Laclede's Landing entertainment district yields yields to the old industrial barrens along what's called the North Riverfront. If you were to look at it in person you'd find it's not nearly this bright.

LAST CALL FOR THE STUPID BOWL PARTY: haven't heard from any enlightened spirits about joining our annual outing and boycott. Our attitude toward the event is well-expressed in Joe Nocera's column in yesterday's New York Times. If anyone has a last-minute impulse, meet us about 6:30 at the Turkish restaurant Aya Sophia on Chippewa, just inside the city limits and near Ted Drewes. I don't think we need a reservation.


  1. I wondered why they'd call a warehouse 'Peerless' and Googled. Peerless seems to be a St. Louis-based company.

    And is this company 'sans égal'?

  2. Looks like a great place for urbex photographs. Nice shoot

  3. Love what you've done with this Bob, love the combination of blues and pinks on this very 'unloved' building. Enjoy your diner, I would deffo join you if I was there, no interest in football at all!

  4. I'm not into the hype... but the game. Go Pats!

  5. Excellent title too.

    I'd join you. But I'm stuck in snow.

  6. Great colors. Sorry, but we go to a Superbowl party each year.

  7. I like the play of colour here. Nice contrasts.

    As to football, I hate it, and fortunately so do a number of my friends, so we're going cross country skiing tonight.

  8. I've gone from loving football to being quite indifferent. I hope all that still love it have a great day. It's the only game my wife watches all year. I think she really likes the commercials, half time and all the junk food.

    Love the picture. Maybe you should have a Warehouse Wednesday theme going.

  9. What's a super bowl?

    How we wish we were there and could join you for your brilliant party. By the way we once had a wonderful dinner at Aya Sophia. Lift one for us, Merry and Ed

  10. Peerless, ha !
    Love your photo :)
