Wednesday, February 15, 2012

More Portraits Of Dog Lovers

Soulard Dog Parade 2012-02-12 20

What's closest to your heart? The answer was obvious for many people last Saturday. The man in the middle picture is apparently a well-known player for the Rams football team. Someone told me his name but I didn't recognize it. Not something I pay attention to. In any event, he was cuddling some fuzzy little - what? - in a pink blanket. (Jilly, help us out.) I heard him say he had no problem getting in touch with his feminine side. Just don't let the guys in the locker room hear about that.

Soulard Dog Parade 2012-02-12 19

Soulard Dog Parade 2012-02-12 25


  1. encore de beaux portraits, avec une préférence pour la deuxième photo.

    Pour répondre a ta question, je sais pas si cela existe sur Canon, mais sur Nikon on a une Option "Surimpression". On choisit le nombre de photos et on prend les photos,et cela nous donne une photo avec les surimpressions (il est amusant de faire la même chose, mais en zoomant , cela donne un bel effet)

  2. If all the Rams players are that good looking, I might become a fan...

  3. I love the big guy/little dog. Years ago on Candid Camera I saw a set-up with a woman who said she had to use the phone in a cafe and left her tiny Chihuahua in a pink coat with a group of bikers outside. The results were wonderful...kissing, hugging the dog, etc. I tried to find this on Youtube, but no luck.

  4. Bob, just love these photos. I also looked through your Flickr photos taken at the same event. All fabulous. Wouldn't I have had a ball there! So wish they'd do this in France... Looks like both dogs and owners had such fun...probably the owners had more fun! Woof...

  5. There's nothing that melts a big man's heart more than a small 'fuzzy' thing hey Bob! Loving the doggy/owner photos.
