Wednesday, February 29, 2012

And While In The Park...

Tower Grove Park 2012-02-26 1

Like yesterday's post, a scene in Tower Grove Park. I photograph this oval of manicured evergreens over and over but often wonder what species they are. I'm no naturalist. Where I grew up there wasn't much natural around. Probably need a refresher course from an expert.


  1. No expert either but bare trees are so beautiful with their shadows...

  2. tres beau ce parc en cette fin d'hiver, je dirais un leger HDR (?) qui rend bien et fait bien ressortir les arbres

  3. j'adore ces photos de troncs d'arbres
    sur la tienne les couleurs sont splendides

  4. I find it so much easier to identify trees when they have their leaves, so not sure either, but they do make a great image Bob, with lots of lovely shadows scattered around..

  5. beautiful and quite inviting....

  6. While my son and his wife were in Stl, we visited Tower Grove Park many times. Beautiful park, great farmers market.
