Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If You Are Low On Material...

Kristin and Marin 2

... you can always post pictures of babies. A hit every time. This is niece-in-law, for want of a better term, Dr. Kristin Kruse, with daughter Marin, 1 year old. This was taken at a get-together on the old family farm.


  1. elle a superbe regard et de tres beaux yeux, tres reussit ce portrait en b&w

  2. Yesssss! Baby photos are a hit every time.

    Little Marin is as sweet as you would want a baby to be :)

  3. You are right. Only I doesn't like the bib . Its to hard on a further perfect photo. But of course its just my meaning.

  4. Isn't that the truth? I sneak one of Mila and post from time to time...

  5. Yup every time Bob, what a little cutie, love the topknotch pony tail!!

  6. i hope you'll post pictures of this little beauty every year so we can watch her grow up.

  7. Very cute! You're right, babies are always a hit. :)

  8. Something so wonderful about all of your posts from out in Kansas, family, places that mean much to many, and the views down the graded roads. My goodness, but I love these posts. Thanks so much for sharing.
