Sunday, October 9, 2011

STL DBP On The Road: Chicago

2011-10-08 Chicago 1

We drove to Chicago Friday afternoon, about 300 miles or 500 km, across the broad Illinois prairie. A bit of downtown touristy stuff yesterday, including the much photographed Crown Fountain in Millennium Park. At the Art Institute of Chicago, I feared that these young men, upon order from their sergeant, might pee in unison on George Seurat's Sunday on La Grande Jatte.

The Chicago Marathon is today. Pix of my son battling his way through tomorrow. We have a long drive home this afternoon so the post may not go up until the morning U.S. Central Time.

2011-10-08 Chicago 2

2011-10-07 STL to Chi 1


  1. Your middle photo and comment about it are priceless.

  2. j'ai vu une video de la fontaine video, j'aime beaucoup ce concept, c'est tres original

  3. That row of guys in front of Seurat's painting left me wondering for a long time - then I read your comment and chuckled. You have to wonder what they might have taken from their visit to the museum. Perhaps more than I think? Never judge a book by its cover...

  4. Three super photos and one big laugh. Good one Bob! I love that first photo and that fountain.
