Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday Arch Series

2011-09-18 Arch-Old Court House 1

The TAS returns. I sometimes think I've exhausted the possibilities but there are always variations on old themes. I have shot views like this from Kiener Plaza many times. This one is a three-shot HDR (from a tripod for a change) processed in Photoshop's HDR Pro, which is much more natural than the results from Photomatix. Then it was run through PhotoTools to get a sort of Holga-like effect. ISO 100 for clarity, f 7.1.


  1. beau rendu HDR , je le trouve doux et pas trop exagéré comme beaucoup de HDR.

  2. The HDR is beautifully done, not overdone as many tend to be. I actually wouldn't have noticed hadn't you told us (all right, I probably don't have a very perceptive eye).

    Great treatment, and you kow how much I enjoy your TA series.

    What do you mean by 3-shot HDR "FROM A TRIPOD FOR A CHANGE"? Don't you always use a tripod ????

  3. What a brilliant shot Bob, so very clever to keep inventing new angles on this arch each a wonderful view.

  4. Nice composition, Bob. Where did you add the vignette in the HDR process? I'm a total rookie with HDR stuff. Agree that it's not overcooked like most.


  5. This is the first time I've seen this something from this series. I really like it! Perfect in black and white.

  6. That ain't Rocky! That's for sure.

  7. I am always blown away by your Arch series.

  8. Oh my goodness, another Arch series wonder. I don't begin to understand what you've done but whatever it is, it's visually so effective.
