Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Studio Open House Weekend: Found Along The Route 4

Experimentaal Theater At Firecracker Press

The photo in yesterday's post was taken at Firecracker Press. I mentioned that, rather than putting on printing demonstrations or something, the staff presented surreal mini-dramas. Now that's a nice change of pace. In the top photo, a harried mom has been talking to her own mother on the phone while packing to move. There as a hint that it was for economic reasons. Part of the humor was that the baby she appears to be holding was in fact a Cabbage Patch doll.

In the bottom photo, a couple may or may not be falling in love but he is a real wacko. Unable to manage the stress of intimacy, he dies for no apparent reason, falling face first into his MacBook. Fun for the whole family.

Experimental Theater At Firecracker Press 2


  1. Your description of the second photo had me laughing out loud...

  2. I think that there are a lot of Daily Photo bloggers who may pass away with our heads on our MacBooks.

  3. les expressions et les mouvements de la deuxieme photo sont tres bons.

  4. I'll pass away on something else then.

  5. Haha Bob, the expression on the ladies face in the bottom picture.. it's like 'whatever!!'

  6. If I have to go, let me go facedown on my Mac keyboard svp.

  7. Unusual, Bob. It must have been fun. I feel so uncool . . . I would keel over onto a PC desktop.
