Friday, April 15, 2011

The Big Guy

Statue of Saint Louis 2011-04-09 1
Haven't had our monumental statue of King Louis IX of France, St. Louis, on the blog for a long time. This was taken the same day I was wandering around Forest Park posting all those pretty springtime pictures I've been I've been posting lately. They need some balance.

Had a fabulous anniversary dinner last night with son Andy and special someone Claire at the oddly-named Bonsoiree in the Logan Square area of Chicago. Eight course tasting menu, one little gem after another, and no liquor license so BYOB. Heavenly.

Downtown St. Louis 365 has not been serving our area since 1880.

SInce 1880


  1. j'adore ce contre jour et l'angle choisi, cela donne un cote dramatique a cette statue

  2. 1. LOVE this shot. It's fabulous
    2. So what did you take B? Bourbon??? :)
