Tuesday, March 22, 2011

St. Louis Daily Photo's Fourth Anniversary

St Louis Daily Photo 4th Anniversary Picture

Four years. 1,458 posts (I missed a couple of days when we were out in some yak pasture). 10,000 Blogger profile views. Dinner with an affiliate in Shanghai, lunch on an island in the Seine with four Paris colleagues, friends made around the world. Strides forward in the improvement of my photography and a much deeper understanding of my city.

Also, thousands of hours spent shooting, editing, posting and commenting. Big drop in the number of books I've read. Can't remember the last time I went to a movie. Tentative diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Four more years! Four more years! is a chant heard at our national political conventions when an incumbent president is running for re-election. How long can - or should - I keep this up? No idea.

Sincere thanks to all of those who have supported my work and said such nice things about my photography. Another post will go up at midnight tonight, at least, and there will be a picture of the Arch on Thursday.

To be continued...

By the way, Steffe of Haninge Daily Photo suggested I mark the occasion by putting together a collection of my best work on Flickr. Already got one! Select a few that catch your eye or run the slideshow. Click here.

And speaking of the Cardinals and the legal profession, Downtown St. Louis 365 has an observation today.

Matt Holliday Goes To Court


  1. Tres bon montage, tu es devenu un monument de la ville de St Louis ;))
    Un joyeux anniversaire Bob pour tes 4 ans, ton blog est superbe et c'est toujours un plaisir de venir, alors CHAMPAGNE et bonne continuité

  2. See, that's two of us for Champagne!
    Bon anniversaire, I just love this surprise!

  3. Congratulations Bob. Perhaps you've decreased the number of books read, but you have given each of us a daily reason to pause, enjoy, think and smile. Happy 4th Anniversary!

  4. Congrats.

    The slideshow suggests that you haven't taken anything good since October of 2007, I think that is a mistake.

  5. LOVE the photo today! I think you and I are coming up on our 3rd "anniversary" together. What a great friend and mentor you've been, not to mention an inspiration. You've blogged from worse places than a yak pasture if memory serves. FOUR MORE YEARS indeed!!

    PS Your are a damn good photographer to boot!

  6. Congratulations on the anniverary! I love the photo!

  7. Congratulations. Your rundown of your efforts neglected to mention the countless hours of enjoyment and education you have brought to others in brief, daily snippets. Your collection of photos is indeed an impressive body of work.

  8. Happy 4th!! I have been a fan since July 2009 when I found this blog. Keep up the good work.

    A reader from Chicago who has a student at SIUe, and loves visiting said student as much as possible, with a quick trip to StL every other visit!

  9. Four More Years! Four More Years! Congrats, I enjoy every photo. And thanks for your help.

  10. Congratulations! Love the photo - larger than life and seemingly ready to pick up the arch and swing, batter, swing!

  11. I am laughing at your commentary (Four more years...) and the photo. I love them and wish you FORTY more years.


    Gunn / Stavanger / Norway

  13. Bob, you should be very proud of yourself and your work on St. Louis Daily Photo! Your images are lovely, striking, and artistic -- and your passion really comes through.

    All my best, your old friend from Kansas City Daily Photo.
