Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Drinkin' O' The Green

2011 St. Patrick's Parade 1

This town has a huge St. Patrick's Day Parade on the Saturday before the actual date. Along with the surprisingly big Mardi Gras here (which, unfortunately, I missed last week), it marks the beginning of spring public drinking season. We were out last night witnessing some rustic chivalry, it's late Saturday as I write this and more details will have to wait to tomorrow. The series will continue through the week.

More coverage of the Working Families Rally today on Downtown St. Louis 365.

Working Families Rally 6


  1. Julie and I have been traveling, so I am just now catching up with your recent posts.

    Enjoyed your series on L.A. and agree with you about the Getty Center (and the original Getty, now called the Getty Villa, in Malibu.

    The contrast between the demonstrations you showed yesterday and the frivolity of the beer drinking celebration today shows two sides of American life and culture, although I suspect that many people would be equally at home at both events.

  2. And looks like great weather for a Snake Saturday parade.
