Sunday, December 12, 2010

Low Water

Riverfront 2010-12-11 1

A dull day around St. Louis yesterday. The weather never lessens the drama of the Mississippi, it only changes it. The water level is low at this time of year as the river begins to ice over upstream. I wondered if this is the end of the paved part of the levee, with only muddy bottom below. I'll have to go back when the water is still lower to find out.

This photo is a nod to our colleague
Alejandro Gulminelli of Buenos Aires' Una Foto Por Dia, one of CDP's best photographers. It feels something like his style.


  1. Kudos on this beautifully composed image.

  2. If the water keeps receding, who knows what you will find on the bottom. Old shoes, discarded handguns. I would hate to think what is on the bottom of the river in an old urban area.

  3. You've captured the feeling in STL; before the snow that is. Very nice as always.
