Sunday, September 12, 2010

Para los hispanos de San Luis

Honduran Dancers 1

There is so much going on in town this weekend. This ain't the most sophisticated burgh in the U.S. but we're big enough to have some energetic diversity. The Hispanic Festival, the gigantic Clayton art fair (more about which soon), the opening game of the St. Louis Rams football season (if you care, which lots of people do but I don't) and, today, the big Tea Party rally (I keep getting visions of the Mad Hatter waving the American flag).

The Hispanic Festival, which I visited yesterday, is lots of fun. The dancers in the top picture, doing a Latin tableau of many-armed Shiva, are from Honduras. The young men below are from all over Latin America. And I don't quite know what the bottom picture is about. Other than Spider Man, I got no idea who the characters are. This guy just walked into the shot, which can be delightful or annoying. It turned out to be the former. He gave me his email address and asked me to send him a copy of the photo, which I will.

Male Dancers Hispanic Festival

Hispanic Festival Characters


  1. You've really captured that Spanish rhythm, Bob. It looks like a lot of infectious fun.

    Menton Daily Photo

    Monte Carlo Daily Photo

  2. You must get the prize for attending the most community events and festivals of anyone. Thank you for bringing us such a diverse portrayal of St. Louis. I can hardly imagine what you would do if you had remained in the even more target-rich environment of your native New York.

  3. j'aime beaucoup la première photo, tres belle et la dernière est une photo culte ;)))

  4. Allow me to enlighten. That chick in the bottom is Dora the Explorer. Hola!! :) Now that green thing, I 've now idea.

    I'm trying to conjure up visions of you at the Tea Party. I will need photos to prove that you actually waded into that action for the sake of STDPB.
