Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cottage and Castle

Ulster American Folk Park 1

Almost six hours driving yesterday on the tour of Ireland's byways to get to the next destination. We stopped at the Ulster American Folk Park near Omagh, Northern Ireland. It is a detailed recreation of the lives of the people of the region, before and after they emigrated to the United States. The picture above is an effigy of one of the Mellon family of this area, posing for us in Vermeer-y light. The old man, Thomas, emigrated to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he founded the now-huge Mellon Bank and was the co-benefactor of Carnegie-Mellon University in that city, along with the Scottish industrialist, Andrew Carnegie.

We've been staying in modest places on this trip. As we swing back toward Dublin and our flight home Saturday, we're blowing it out a bit. Three nights at
Ashford Castle, the baronial home of the Guinness Family, now a snooty baronial hotel. OMG, it would be nice to live like this. We're going hawking today, and I'm not talking physics.

Ashford Castle 1


  1. Two absolutely marvellous shots, monsieur le baron.

    I don't know why but I was kind of expecting to see a Leprechaun today.

  2. Oh Bob, these shots are amazing. The one of Ashford Castle is extraordinary with that wonderful light, crazy sky and reflections on the water. I expect a carriage and horses to pass by any minute. Sounds as if you are having a wonderful trip!

  3. What an amazing castle and what an adequate editing. I like it.

  4. Thank you SO much for sharing these with us. Have a glorious time, your Royal Croweness.

  5. Now we're talking. Piled up in a castle for four days sounds good to me. It's beautiful and you caught the light perfectly. Gorgeous light on that portrait too.

  6. That shot of Ashford Castle looks more like a painting than a photo......It's all in the light, the light, the light---which is why artists, since time began, have loved the west of Ireland!

  7. looks right out of a faerie tale, where Carrick the lord of the faeries might live

  8. That's an amazing castle!

  9. The second image looks like a water color. Nice plan to have one fabulous stop over.

  10. The bottom photo is a beauty. The treatment you did to it brings out all the natural qualities it already had. It does look like a painting. Well done!

    The top one is the epitome of the sidelight portrait. Excellent too.
    Sorry I won't comment on all the latest photos but rest assured that my visit is a thorough one. I'm enjoying myself tremendously, travelling back in time from sumos to Connemara NP !
