Saturday, May 15, 2010

A French Quarter Pirate

My friend Micki Beth is a lawyer in the same specialty as me, practicing in Montgomery, Alabama. She has the good fortune to own a house in the French Quarter of New Orleans. On Thursday night, she hosted a pre-dinner reception in the courtyard of the historic building. That's where I met her neighbor, who calls himself Captain Twist. He makes his living as a street pirate and entertainer in the quarter. True to his profession, he eventually held Micki Beth and her dog hostage until another glass of wine was delivered.

Afterward, a group us us went to dinner at RioMar, where chef Adolfo Garcia, pictured below, cooks up wonderful Spanish-style seafood, some prpared in olive oil but not the other stuff.

All good things must come to an end. Home tonight.


  1. So what you're trying to tell us is you've got another southern girlfriend? You lawyers are all alike! HUMMMPPHH

    And olive oil's ok but show me the buttah!

  2. Perfect costume, very swashbuckling!

  3. Dashing, dashing. He can hold me hostage any time.

  4. These three images really bring New Orleans to us. I'm so glad things seem to be improving there. They've had a long difficult climb from the devastation of Katrina.

  5. Love Captain Twist! Great photos.

  6. I won't make any Somalian Pirate Goldman Sachs jokes.

  7. Whoever said "time spent in New Orleans was all work and no play" was obviously wrong -:)
