Saturday, April 10, 2010

STL DPB On The Road: San Francisco

So this is part of the reason for all the rushing around of late. Mrs. C and I like to treat ourselves to something when our anniversary comes around (number 36, thank you). Her company is treat enough for me but we usually go someplace fun so we can get out of the rat race together.

This was taken from the second floor balcony of a restaurant of Pier 39 in the Fisherman's Wharf area, with the sun about to set behind the Golden Gate Bridge.


  1. Happy anniversary, that's right, last year you were in Paris (where I spent the day!) Have a wonderful time on the West coast!

  2. Happy anniversary. Have fun in San Francisco.

  3. Good golly Miss Molly! That is gorgeous.

    And I thought I could hear corks popping last night!

  4. Happy Anniversary. Hope it's wonderful from start to finish.

  5. Wow, the clouds and contrail look like they are trying to X out the glowing sun. Fun view. Hope you two enjoyed a lovely dinner.
