Friday, April 2, 2010

Before The Flood

See that oval sign on the right with a crossbar? And the posts on the left with the chain fence between them? Then look back at
the pictures in Wednesday's post. This is Lenore K. Sullivan Boulevard (she was a Member of Congress), the street that runs along the Mississippi under the Arch. The picture was taken a week before Wednesday's. That's how fast the big river can change.


  1. an absolutely amazing image, bob. really has the feel of a classical painting between the arches and the way you've tinkered with the light.

  2. This is a really good picture! It looks like those are storm clouds?

  3. That's just plain creepy! That HDR does some amazing things. Doest the river flood this area every spring or is this unusual?

  4. What a nice place without water! The bridge is amazing!

  5. Is this an HDR shot, Mr. Bob? It has a very wonderful feel to it. Lots of NPR news about the flooding in the past few days. Love all the grays in this.

  6. Great image, it does look like a painting or an old photograph.

  7. Beautiful image, the treatment is superb and the architecture of the bridge is outstanding! Congrats for the sum of elements.

  8. @virginia, it does flood every year, but it has been worse these last few years
