Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tower Grove At Sunset

I was going to continue the series of dead composers on sticks that I've done for the last two days. However, the images I got of Mozart, the next one, were really awful. Maybe I'll go shoot it again next weekend. For now, here's some lurid color I shot elsewhere in Tower Grove Park last weekend. It seems like it should have more meaning than just another HDR shot, like something from an Ingmar Bergman movie.


  1. Wow, gorgeous shot. I love the color and the long shadows.

  2. I"ve already told you how I feel about this one, but allow me to gush further.......FABULOUS!! The composition and that sun flare peeking around that tree are superb. Take a bow.

  3. Gorgeous photo-- the color, the texture, and the shadows cutting over both-- really, really beautiful.

  4. I'm gobsmacked. Maybe that's the one you want to chose for the contest...

  5. I'm like most everyone else, I have a limited time to comment, I do a little bit here, a little bit there, but everyone should be commenting here. It's terrific.

  6. The tree shadows in different directions really caught my eye on this beautiful shot!

  7. Exceptional capture with an incredible background and the presence of the leaves, beautiful, is almost like being there!
