Thursday, September 24, 2009

STL DPB On The Road: Tibetan Temple Offerings

The opulence of Tibetan Buddhist temples is a sight to see. They are often more ornate than the most Baroque European cathedral. The faithful leave offerings in Chinese yuan but we also saw U.S. dollars, Euros and once Argentine pesos.

This picture reminds me a bit of a 17th or 18th Century still life.
I'm knocked out with jet lag, sort of staggering through yesterday at the office. People at work are telling me to get back to reality. But which one is or was my reality, Tibet or St. Louis?


  1. très beau, on dirait une peinture (une nature morte)

  2. Oh I hate the "get back to reality thing" myself. I"m still not completely sure I'm really home. Well I am physically, that's all I'll say.

    You are right, this is a grand still life and you caught it perfectly.

  3. The colors are incredible - so rich and vibrant. Beautiful!
    Deb in Chicagoland

  4. There is no unitary reality but we seem only able to hold one in mind at a time. Your pictures bend this limit a bit. Thanks.

  5. Beautiful...colors, tones, subject...all.
