Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Going Up

lakes and rivers

The Crowes are really getting into the wilds of Tibet, and it's pictures like this which really pique my jealousy. Bob says of this:
A lot of our drive Sunday was through river valleys, one of which was dammed to make an eerie teal-colored lake.

We stopped at passes of 15,000 and 15,800 feet. We're sleeping to ight at 12,800. Doing pretty well with the altitude - fair amount of trouble sleeping but lungs and energy are okay.

PASSES of 15K feet! I've never been above 14-something (aside from in a plane) and that's standing on top of a peak. Anyway, here is the menu at a restaurant where the butter nun was skipped in favor of a yakburger and fries:



  1. le paysage est magnifique, superbe photo

  2. I'll believe the yak burger story when I see it with my own eyes. And as for that lake.... I'm thinking B &C have jetted off to Mars! Wait, Mars has no water, right?

    PS I thought all nuns were uh......plain!

  3. What a fabulous photo of an amazing place. Yak burgers. Oh dear....

  4. One yak, given the size of the Tibetan ones, must make one heck of a lot of yakburgers.

    That view of the lake, mountains is beyond words.
