Saturday, August 1, 2009

Portraits of St. Louis Artists: Paula Lincoln

Paula Lincoln produced some of the most unusual art I saw at Open Studios Weekend. A large white wall was covered with cut-out silhouettes, mostly black but with wood tones in the foliage at the bottom. A crow flies away from a larger-than-life man wearing a top hat. Plants cover the ground; Lincoln pointed out to me that one was foxglove. I think the plant at the left is a thistle. Like a Rorschach test, the meaning is left to the viewer's imagination. The piece reminds me of the work of Kara Walker.

TOMORROW: a musical interlude in the artists' portrait series.


  1. I love this series that you are working on. Artist are wonderful subject.

  2. I'm loving this artist series. A super portrait yesterday.

    Years ago silhouettes used to be so popular. I've an old silhouette dated 1791 - in a tiny oval ebony frame. I think I'd not want a bird such as this artists tho. Too reminiscent of the birds but perhaps that's being silly. Thanks for the link to Kara Walker. Indeed so similar.

  3. OH, very interesting--I can see I will have to come back and explore some more!!! :-D

  4. Creative people like Paula Lincoln always amaze me. Where does it come from? Her work is so very interesting.

  5. I like this portrait a lot, and the artwork too. Yes, the silhouettes do resemble Kara Walker's work but Kara Walker's art is more cartoonish and tends of have a social commentary.

    That said, I prefer these to Kara Walker's work.

  6. I love Paula's artwork! She is so creative and inventive. Paula, if you read this, I'd love to reconnect with you, please contact me? Shirley (Sarrach) Crowell
