Saturday, July 4, 2009

STL DPB On The Road: In The Hudson River Valley

.My sister and her family live in Ridgewoood, New Jersey, in the northeastern corner of the state. It's the same town my family moved to when we left New York City in 1966. Since my father's birthday was July 7, the family always got together here on the Fourth of July weekend to celebrate. He's been gone since 1996 but we still all show up at Sue's.

Mrs. C and I took a road trip yesterday from Ridgewood up the Hudson Valley. One stop was
Bear Mountain. We went looking for views over the Hudson River. This'll do. There was a group of American painters in the mid 19th Century who celebrated this area, known, appropriately enough, as the Hudson River School. They didn't have have Photomatix but it may have been for the good.

FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FAME DEPARTMENT: the front page article in today's St. Louis Post-Dispatch is about our city's disappearing Toynbee Tiles, featuring your humble blogger. Not familiar with Toynbee Tiles? Read the article here and check my posts on the topic here. But if this is the paper's lead article, what does that say about the state of print journalism?

Oh, and happy birthday, America. Here are some shots from Ridgewood's Fourth of July Parade this morning.


  1. At first sight your photo reminded me of Cole, even if the place is not the same. Wonderful image, one of many in your very interesting blog.

  2. Aren't you becoming quite famous?! That sky is amazing, the whole view is breathtaking!

  3. Gorgeous image from a great location, Bob. HDR?
    Happy fourth to you and your family!

  4. That is one gorgeous photograph B. The Hudson River School gang would be very pleased I think. The newpaper article was just great. I think you 15 min. of fame are mounting up and rightfully so.

    Happy 4th to the Crowe clan!

  5. I'm humming "I Love a Parade"! You just gotta love a good old fashioned Fourth of July parade. And what is that guy pulling? Looks like a clothes rack festooned with costumes and balloons. I'm thinking the folks at the Gay Pride Parade would have killed for some of those!

  6. Your photos are always full of interesting themes and colour

  7. hudson river photo looks like a painting,nice article in the post dispatch also

  8. I lived in NYC for over a decade and never made it up the Hudson. Okay, that was because I didn't drive then.

    But now that I do (drive), the next time I go back to NYC, I will have to take a trip up to the Poconos.
