Friday, May 15, 2009

Report From Washington

We spent several hours at the Newseum, the high tech temple of all things information. It was fascinating. One current exhibition is called G-Men and Journalists, about the FBI's attempts to control or manipulate the news media. In the lobby of the museum we found this chilling, life-size image of long-time FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (supplied by Madame Tussaud's), a dark name in American history. The FBI headquarters is just down the street. They sure remember him.

But, having daydreamed about leaving a career as a lawyer for one in photography, it occurred to me to veer off in yet another direction and become a television news reporter. See below.

We're taking the train to New York this afternoon. Who knows what adventures await.


  1. portrait fascinant, on dirait qu'il cherche a nous hypnotiser.
    fascinating portrait, they would say that it searches has hypnotize us.

  2. Well J. Ed scared the pants off me! Is he wax? Ewwww!
    Cool post B. Can't wait to see what you dredge up in the Big Apple. 1 week from tomorrow.........I hear champagne corks popping I think.
