Tuesday, May 12, 2009

At Least Someone Is

Who's hiring in St. Louis during the recession? The big casino, Lumiere Place, is. As I've mentioned here, there are a shocking number of these in our Midwestern city. Business must be good - a fool and his money...

The unfortunate large building in the background is the
Four Seasons Hotel, which is attached to the casino. We stayed there once. It's really swanky inside but the exterior is an eyesore, IMHO, with awful, garish lighting at night.

Today is a travel day. Heading for a legal conference in my specialty in Washington, DC, this afternoon, then up to my home town, New York, for the weekend.
As the man said, if I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere. So, either a STL picture on Wednesday or a late photo from the nation's capital, the Arch on Thursday and then a few days of East Coast fun.


  1. j'aime bien l'affiche du "St Louis Riverfront"

  2. Geeesh, it'a about time you two homebodies got outta the house and went somewhere! Kick up your heels in the BIg Apple and have a little fun for a change B!

  3. You have a great time in NYC after all the hard work in DC!
    Le casino des lumières... tout un programme !

  4. I agree, the Lumiere Place's giant, lit sign is very gawdy and distracting (especially at night). Plus, it completely obscures the Arch from a certain view. Did you see the ads when they first opened? They only wanted to hire "attractive" people which seems discriminatory to say the least!
