Friday, January 30, 2009

Day-Late Thursday Arch Series (15 Minutes Of Fame Department)

Sorry about my complete space-out and forgetting that yesterday was Thursday. As it happens, today is a particularly auspicious day for Arch pictures.

Mildred Lane Kemper Museum houses the art collection of Washington University, as well as special exhibits. A biggie opens tonight: Eero Saarinen: Shaping the Future. Saarinen was the visionary architect who designed the Gateway Arch, among other notable works. The exhibition traces Saarinen's career and achievements, with special emphasis on the history, design, engineering and construction of my beloved monument.

There is an opening reception tonight and I'll be there. Now here's the 15 minuted of fame bit: the muesum's director of education contacted me awhile back and asked if they could use some of my stuff on the exhibit's web site and printed materials. Why, yes, of course. The educational resources page of the exhibit's web site has links to my Gateway Arch photo blog and my big Flickr set of Arch photos. There's also a link to the American Institute of Achitects' web feature on the Arch; most of the photos in the slide show are mine. Lastly, click the link to the Eero Saarinen Connections guide and, um, scroll down to page 14, making note of the photo credits and the last quotation.

Now, if someone would only buy this stuff.

some photography lover will but me a drink at the reception.

bug in peril.

There is a new Arch photo
today on Gateway.


  1. cela fait très photo officielle, au garde a vous devant la grande arche. superbe
    this is very official photograph, at attention before the big arch. superb

  2. What an honor Bob. I'm so excited for you. It's amazing where an innocent hobby can take you. Your work speaks for itself and is being acknowledged by a pretty heady group.
    I think you should go out and buy an even better camera now.

  3. Congratulations! A very well deserved honor. Your quote is so right. Those two years I spent living at the Mansion House with a view of the arch taught me how much it changes. I have many photos of it (the film kind)with snow, fog, spring flowers, fireworks, and crowds enjoying the 4th of July celebrations. It was a daily feature right outside my apartment window.

  4. How wonderful for you to get the recognition you so deserve. I hope eveyone there buys you a drink! Take a bow! Oh - yeah about the selling problem, we all have it apparently. I can hardly GIVE mine away! :)
    PS Love the photo today.

  5. Bob, I'm a fan and I'd buy you that drink! I'm planning on attending the exhibition, but can't make it tonight.

    Congrats on your inclusion, though!

  6. I love the photo of the flags. WE need to cross link our blogs. I run the St Louis DSLR Group. is my blog. RMStringer Photography.

  7. congratulations Bob, I'm so pleased for you! You certainly deserve the recognition!

  8. And so I was right... there SHOULD have been an arch yesterday!

  9. I strongly recommend your readers RUSH to your flickr Arch series - it's wonderful to get the whole set of photos in one go, it shows how creative you've been, I'm in awe!
