Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hole In The Sky

Another one of those "um, what do I have on some hard drive that I can post?" photos. Shot from my office window. I'm on the 23rd floor and there's nothing taller in this direction (south) until maybe Memphis.

1. Clean my desk. (Yeah, right). 2. Edit more pix from Kansas (no problem there). 3. Do all my Christmas shopping on Amazon. (They love me and vice versa.) 4. Look really silly at my once-a-year tuxedo wearing event, the annual black tie fundraising dinner dance for the Arthritis Foundation. I'm a member of the local board and I have to show up. Anyone want to see a picture of that? Have I ever mentioned that I can't dance to save my life?

what I was going to post on theme day if I couldn't think of anything better.


  1. Great catch on this one. That is an amazing cloud affect.

  2. Stunniny photo. You nailed the title of the post too!

  3. Don't go apologizing for this one. It's stunning. The weather has been awful here and I have been dumpster diving for photos most of the week. I have got to do better or fold up my tent and go home.

    Don't forget your dancin' shoes tonight!

  4. Your files must be very deep Bob. Bravo!

  5. What a shot. What a great opportunity for a shot and what a good one it is. Stunning.

    I agree. Perfect title.

  6. Thanks for your recent comments, I am just recovering from a second heart attack so it's nice to find the time to have a look at other folks' photographs.

    I sometimes find it difficult to find inspiration too.

  7. Very nice. I think Black Sabbath did a song about this picture.

  8. Beam me up Scotty! Hooray for the archives.

  9. Thank you all for your comments. This is a big response by my standards. Interestingly, this is not one of my favorite pictures, which is why it was in the reserve bin. It's grainy. The foreground is muddy and there not nearly as much contrast between the clouds and the shaft of light as I would like. It was taken with a point-n-shoot through a thick window. You just can't predict what people like. By comparison, I think the best pictures I've made in a while are these, not posted on the blog: and

    Maybe I should change my nom de photo back to Strangetastes.
