Friday, November 28, 2008

STL DPB On The Road: Hanover, Kansas

We’re out on the Kansas prairie for Thanksgiving weekend. My wife’s mother lives in the town of Hanover, population about 500. It has its own high school that serves the town and surrounding rural community. Their teams’ nickname is the Wildcats. The logo has colors that remind me of one of those old posters from the Fillmore West. The football field, at the corner of town, has stands for just a couple of hundred people. We think this building is the locker room, refreshment stand, toilet facility and press box rolled into one. Opponents must be terrified on arrival.

WHAT I DIDN’T DO TODAY: eat too much. What happened? WHAT I DID DO: shoot a bunch of cool HDRs around town.

with luck, the Great Marshall County Quail Hunt.


  1. une mascotte de quoi faire fuir les adversaires. Impressionnante cette peinture murale
    a mascot of what to make run away the adversaries. Impressive this wall painting

  2. I love Olivier's take on the Wildcat. He certaily is ferocious, but the sky looks worse!! I think I'll have a little pumpkin pie with my coffee this morning! Have fun at the quail hunt. I'm off to shoot 4 kiddos for their grandparents' Christmas card. Might be scawey!

  3. Tha sky is incredible, made more menacing by that fearsome mural.

  4. Hi there, I thought I would share abit of information about the building you see with the Wildcat on it. This is what we call our "Crows Nest". In the top part is a loft that houses the announcers during the football games. The bottom part is where the concessions are served for the games. Unfortunately there is not enough room for any restrooms or locker rooms. To the west of the building, which would be behind the building, is our baseball diamond, the building that sits there houses the restrooms that are used for football games. Hope you enjoyed your visit in my hometown of Hanover. Doreen Bennett
