Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Geometry and Color

You have no idea how easily a tall, clumsy, middle-aged photographer could fall over backward taking a shot like this. I didn't, actually, but damn close.

WHAT'S UPSETTING ME: Republican proposals on health care. (Insane!) B.S. junkyard dog political campaigning. (Disgusting!) Sarah Palin. (The horror! The horror!)

TOMORROW: okay, one more day of balloons (worth your patience, I promise). Then Thursday Arch Series. Then a farewell to the regular baseball season.


  1. Strange -
    Great composition, symmetric, but not. The crop is perfect. I still get a little nervous seeing a hot-air balloon overhead. One flew over our house when I was five and it scared the begeezus out of me.
    - Mitch

  2. Gravity is a harsh mistress, no?
    The angle of your shot is fabulous. Bullseye!
    I have turned my tv off for the duration of the elections - no useful info there - backing away cautiously from lipstick and pigs.

  3. Oh, dizzy, dizzy; both on the ground and in the basket. Very good shot!

  4. Fantastic shot! It looks like the balloon is running away free with no passengers. Nice framing/cropping to. Great picture.

  5. A shot worth the wobble factor for sure. That's what I wanted to see, right up in there.
    Politics du jour? I feel your pain. Pass the Tums.

  6. a great photo....glad you didn't fall down!

  7. This is a great shot! It's funny, before I even read your comments I was wondering how you had to bend backwards the get this.
    I'm right with you on your political musings. Enough already!

  8. This shot was worthwhile all the trouble you went through! I am glad you did not fall.

  9. Very cheery.

    I'm less self conscious about laying down or standing on a wall to get a shot than I once was.

  10. This is hot. Possible pun intended. Reminds me of the shot you had of a big flag wafting against a similar sky. This would look great next to that.

  11. A photographer who does not, cut, bruise, stiff their neck ever is not working taking the best shots. This is a terrific shot.
