Monday, June 2, 2008

May The Angels In This Storm Guide President Bush

A lunch counter at the corner of 18th and Olive on the edge of downtown. Surprisingly, the management has a fundamental grasp of contemporary British politics, not to mention a World War II sense of allegiance and a wacky talent for prose style. Click the picture to see the details. The left window pane says MAY GOD SAVE THE QUEEN AND CONTINUE TO BLESS AMERICA AND ITS ALLIES. The right says MAY THE ANGELS IN THIS STORM GUIDE PRESIDENT BUSH AND PRIME MINISTER BROWN IN HISTORY'S FINEST HOUR REMEMBERED.

Say what? I hope Ton
y Blair and David Cameron don't stop by for a bite and begin asking questions.

BONUS FACTOID: devoted movie fans may remember the film White Palace, in which a young
Jewish advertising copywriter from St. Louis falls is love with a middle-aged, red-neck White Castle waitress played by Susan Sarandon. They couldn't use the actual name White Castle so they called it White Palace. They couldn't shoot it in an actual White Castle restaurant (Sarandon's character was supposed to work at the White Castle at Grand and Gravois, as blue collar as it got at that time) so the producers took this beat-up old diner and transformed it into the movie set. The movie was based on the wonderful novel by the late Glenn Savan. I was Savan's lawyer at one time, and a more intelligent, literate and tragically ill client I may never see again.

TOMORROW: Asian women eating frozen desserts.


  1. Oh dear ! sigh !
    I'm afraid God won't bless me since France is not your country's ally in the war in Irak.

    Give me more, it's probably less depressing that that sign...

    And no, I'm not buying 3306 South 9th Street, not my style at all !

  2. I loved the book. What happened to Glenn Savin?

    As for that window, if the Iraq war is "history's finest hour," we're in deep trouble.

  3. Oh dear, I am rendered totally speechless by this. And that doesn't happen very often. But you know, the image is kind of White Castle meets Mondrian.

  4. Oh boy. I love it when "angels" implored. Classic.

  5. Wow wow wow wow wow. That is some excellent local wackiness. I have White Palace on my netflix queue. Maybe I should check out the novel too...
