Saturday, August 4, 2007

Gratuitous Cuteness

Another good thing to post when you are running out of inventory is cute kids. Gets 'em every time. This is a neighbor's child in the street in front of my house.

There's some good stuff to shoot around here this weekend. For one, there's Strassenfest (or, for German purists, Straßenfest), an annual Deutsche beer, wurst and oom-pah party held downtown. Out on the edges of the metro area, there is the Washington County Fair, an extravagant bit of rural Americana with tractor pulls, livestock judging, country music, carnival rides and terrifying things to eat. In short, a photographer's paradise. However, there is a huge, stagnant high pressure system parked over the central United States. The air quality is foul and it's likely to get close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit / 38 degrees Celsius for the next several days. Have to wait and see how brave I am. Most Americans - certainly including me - are air conditioning weenies.


  1. Air conditioning is nice for those of us with severe breathing problems. If we all walked to work and if they did away with 18-wheelers and went back to trains then the amount of air pollution would be greatly reduced. I don't think this little girl will ever be able to breathe really clean air. Too many stockholders want fat checks and like to soak in the sunshine and drink cocktails for any of these things to happen.

    I really like the photograph and it is too bad about our warming globe.

    We are in a drought and way behind in annual rainfall. Some places have had record floods.


  2. She is cute, a little Rapunzel perhaps? We are getting heat here too, which is why nothing outdoors ever goes on here in August! Just back-to-school sales at the mall.

  3. ROFL. Oh I'm with you, air conditioned weenie all the way. I just about died at the concert last night before the sun set. At most today I will venture out to go to a movie with my boy and some friends. Gee, what a shame. I was so looking forward to smelling too much beer and kraut. *shudders*

  4. The girl is soo cuuute :-) -- About air cond I'm a sort of addicted also because I feel hot over 25 and unfortunately here in Summer is usual over 35...

  5. This little girl is fashionable wearing different colours of beads necklaces.

  6. Sunkyoung - thank you for your comment. The beads are from our small-scale Mardi Gras. St. Louis was founded by French traders so we still have some latin traditions. Ours is tiny compared to New Orleans - we have only one parade - but people scream for beads from those who ride on the floats.

  7. une superbe photo, la princesse est craquante, et j'adore sa moue devant le ballon

    a superb photograph, the princess is cracking, and I adore his pout in front of the balloon
