Friday, July 6, 2007

La Vita Non E Bella

More from the Webster Groves holiday fair. Look at the man's expression. He needs a life-changing experience, like one of those beverages or cars that claim they can put you on top of the world. At the very least, a recording of Bobby McFerrin singing Don't Worry, Be Happy.

And on the subject of states of mind, I swear that the second photo was not composed under the influence of any drugs other than those prescribed by my physician. (I have a really great doctor.)


He's getting ready for the show
He's going to the carnival tonight
On Desolation Row.

- Bob Dylan, Desolation Row, 1965


  1. majestueux l'aigle derrière le manège. bel effet de vitesse sur la deuxième photo. je te souhaite un bon weekend

    majestic the eagle behind the horse-gear. beautiful effect speed on the second photograph. I wish you a good weekend

  2. Lovely pictures. I'm gonna link to your blog since I'm posting pictures from the Webster fair too. Hope you don't mind!

  3. I love the first one. He does look really over it, doesn't he?

  4. Heh, the first one is cracking me up. Poor guy...

  5. I used to have lots of fun on that ride as a teenager.

  6. I think he must have just lost his shirt at a poker session....

  7. Ditto other's thoughts on that dour guy...too dang funny!
