Monday, April 23, 2007

Mother Says To Eat Your Vegetables

Earth Day festivities at Forest Park in St. Louis: every wholesome supporter of recycling, homeopathy, healing herbs, composting, whirled peas - and more! - was there. Every friend of Al Gore and enemy of nutcase Senator James Inhofe was out in the sunshine.

For out international visitors, the words on the tee shirt are a play on one of America's most famous advertising campaigns of recent years, "Got Milk?", sponsored by our dairy industry. For a more dispassionate description, click here. Somebody does do "Got Carrots?", but, bizarrely, it has to do with training horses.

Apologies to anyone who came here looking for the "Safety Clown Says..." picture mentioned in the teaser I had up most of the day with Sunday's post. This one was too good to pass up. Safety Clown should be here in a few days. In the meantime, Safety Clown says remember, kids, don't talk to strangers with big red noses offering treats.

TOMORROW: If The Earth Is Your Mother, Who's Your Daddy?


  1. moi je prefere manger des radis ;o)

    me I prefer to eat radishes ;O)

  2. So, according to Safety the Clown, we should be wary of Ted Kennedy, right?

  3. pas facile de repondre à ta question, comment faire du "Speed Skater". J'utilise un logiciel "Photofiltre" (voir lien sur mes posts) et je joue avec la bichromie, les couleurs et les zones de selections. Merci pour tes commentaires sur mon blog

    not easy to answer your question, how to make “Skater Speed”. I use a software “Photofiltre” (see bond on my posts) and I play with the two-colour printing, the colors and the zones of selections. Thank you for your comments on my blog

  4. Love the t-shirt!! I thought it was an ad campaign by the American Carrot Association. :-) The guy in the picture was munching on a carrot, afterall.

  5. I like carrots too but you know, it's such an in thing for the horsey folks and just doesn't have the kick of the original Got Milk? campaign. Does it?
