Friday, July 31, 2015

After The Rain

After The Rain

Found in a quiet corner of Forest Park. Actually, the ground wasn't very wet but I thought the whole thing was quite strange. Is the parks department so hard up for warning cones that they are swiping them from other city agencies? And why is there a line of cones in a little-used area, leading to nowhere and nothing? Inquiring minds want to know.                    

Traffic Cones In The Woods


s.c said...

Perhaps they grow out the ground like mushrooms after enough rain.

Birdman said...

Kinda hilarious though. Signs leading nowhere.

Norma said...

Somebody had a twisted sense of humor!

William Kendall said...

Okay, that's bizarre!

Jack said...

Finally the government got the message to save and re-use stuff in an effort to be economical!